Easy Maintenance:

Contrary to popular belief, hardwood flooring is relatively easy to maintain with proper care. Regular sweeping or vacuuming, occasional mopping with a damp cloth, and promptly wiping up spills are usually all that's required to keep your hardwood floors looking pristine. Unlike carpeting, which can trap dust, allergens, and odors, hardwood floors offer a hypoallergenic and low-maintenance flooring solution.

In conclusion, hardwood flooring offers a winning combination of timeless beauty, durability, versatility, and sustainability that make it a top choice for homeowners around the world. Whether you're renovating your existing space or building your dream home, hardwood floors provide the perfect foundation for creating a warm, inviting, and stylish environment that you'll enjoy for years to come. Contact us today to explore our wide selection of hardwood flooring options and start transforming your home into a haven of elegance and sophistication.

Enhanced Value and Resale Potential:

Investing in hardwood flooring is not just an investment in your home's aesthetics; it's also an investment in its value. Homes with hardwood floors often command higher resale prices and attract more prospective buyers than those without. Hardwood flooring is viewed as a premium feature that adds desirability and perceived value to any property, making it a wise long-term investment.
For environmentally conscious homeowners, hardwood flooring is an eco-friendly choice. Sourced from responsibly managed forests and manufactured using sustainable practices, hardwood floors have minimal environmental impact compared to other flooring materials Additionally, hardwood's longevity and recyclability further contribute to its eco-friendly credentials.


What are the benefits of hardwood flooring?

Hardwood flooring offers several benefits including durability, longevity, aesthetic appeal, ease of maintenance, and the ability to increase property value.

What types of hardwood flooring are available?

There are two main types: solid hardwood and engineered hardwood. Solid hardwood is made from a single piece of wood, while engineered hardwood consists of multiple layers of wood topped with a hardwood veneer.

What is the difference between hardwood and laminate flooring?

Hardwood flooring is made from real wood, while laminate flooring is a synthetic product designed to resemble hardwood. Hardwood is generally more durable and can be refinished multiple times, whereas laminate is less expensive and easier to install.

How should I care for my hardwood floors?

Regular maintenance such as sweeping, vacuuming with a soft brush attachment, and mopping with a damp cloth or hardwood floor cleaner is recommended. Avoid using harsh chemicals or excessive water, and promptly clean up any spills to prevent damage.

Is hardwood flooring suitable for kitchens and bathrooms?

While hardwood flooring can be installed in kitchens and bathrooms, it is important to choose a wood species that is more resistant to moisture, and proper sealing and maintenance are essential to prevent water damage.


Craftsman Hardwood Floors

958 Arroyo St.

San Angelo, TX 76903

Main Office: (888) 841-8453


Weekdays: 8am - 5pm

Weekends: On Call